Category: News

Regards sur l’avenir : ouverture d’une boîte à idées

Le Grand Bal de l’Europe nous a manqué. Les rendez-vous, les rassemblements autour de la musique et de la danse nous ont manqué, c’est une évidence. L’évolution de la situation sanitaire est complexe, les...

Grand Bal de l’Europe 2020 – Réflexions

The suggestion that the Grand Bal de l’Europe should be postponed until next year has aroused many reactions which underline the great importance of these meetings for many of us. We are very touched...

Grand Bal de l’Europe 2020

Bonjour, The suggestion that the Grand Bal de l’Europe should be postponed until next year has aroused many reactions which underline the great importance of these meetings for many of us. We are very...

Grand Bal of Europe 2020 – Two scenarios

The Grand Bal de l’Europe, like many artistic events, makes emotions dance and creates dreams, hope, tears and gives meaning to life. We have a compassionate thought for those who suffer strongly and have...